levinson vs proceed

What compromises have been made from levinson to proceed? why would levinson create a cheaper line similar to their own?
I know a non-U.S. distributor for Harmon. He says that the build quality and reliability of the Proceed line is much worse than Levinson (but adds that subsequent to Madrigal closing their Connecticut facility a few years ago, he received three Levinson amps that were, on the inside, half 336 and half 335, so Levinson evidently isn't much of a reference anymore). I suppose I should add that I owned a 360s and 37 for a bit over a year, and both were perfectly reliable.
I don't know. I have a Proceed PCD1 and a PDT3 - the first for 14 years and the second for not quite that long. Both are built great and have never given me a lick of trouble.
My Proceed CDD and Levinson 37 was equally unreliable.Needed "gelling and new rubber band " for the sticky drawer,too fequently.In my country the importers service cost were very reasonable,but,it got a bit annoying.
Soundwise the Levinsons were superior to the Proceeds.
Proceed were discontinued as a brand by HSG.
I have no Levinson or Proceed products at the moment and I dont plan to have in the future ....