Your choice of the Levinson's is very nice. Are you not satisfied with the bass production of the Linn's?
Speaking of Linn, have you heard the CD12? If so what do you think of this player compared to your Unidisk 1.1? I was contemplating on whether or not it would be nice to purchase a second hand cd12? At around 9 to 10k I am curious about its performance against other companies such as Ayre (CX-5e), Classe, even Levinson. The problem with all this gear is that many of the dealers do not carry all the product lines together. The Linn dealer which carries the Monos does not carry the 802D's. Just difficult to make a final decision on some of this stuff. Oh well better for the pocket book. :)
Your choice of the Levinson's is very nice. Are you not satisfied with the bass production of the Linn's?
Speaking of Linn, have you heard the CD12? If so what do you think of this player compared to your Unidisk 1.1? I was contemplating on whether or not it would be nice to purchase a second hand cd12? At around 9 to 10k I am curious about its performance against other companies such as Ayre (CX-5e), Classe, even Levinson. The problem with all this gear is that many of the dealers do not carry all the product lines together. The Linn dealer which carries the Monos does not carry the 802D's. Just difficult to make a final decision on some of this stuff. Oh well better for the pocket book. :)