Machina Dynamica

Does anyone take the products that Machina Dynamica sells. There is a bell for sale here where you are supposed to ring it in different rooms throughout the house. What does that have to do with audio?
" If I could live with myself, I would do the same thing.... I really don't see the need to bash him. "


I suppose it all boils down to what one can live with or not.

I try to resist the urge to "bash" in that I believe two wrongs do not make a right. Obviously, I am not always successful when it comes to MD/Geoff. Something there brings out my dark side I suppose. At least GEoff seems to have a sense of humor, so that helps.

I once compared his products and business (favorably) to cigarettes in that no physical harm results. At least there is none known. Although some unexpected things often do happen when science fiction is involved now, don't they? If that bothers you, just stick to the "low tech" stuff I suppose. Personally, invisible forces that affect sound makes me a little nervous.....
I didn't want to debate the value of written history.
also, I am impressed by your ability to detirmine personality via a few audio posts.

Again, people often ridicule what they don't understand
what goes against "conventional" wisdom
That is the ONLY point I am trying to make.
"Again, people often ridicule what they don't understand
what goes against "conventional" wisdom"

No doubt.

The thing is there are a lot of highly educated and smart people including many engineers and other technically adept people on this site and in this hobby, so its not like you are dealing with uneducated people here that do not understand technology, for the most part. An open mind towards what might be possible goes along with that. So in all fairness, the "they don't understand" argument can only go so far here. One has to accept that some things fall into the realm that can only be designated as "nonsense". The burden lies on the purveyor of nonsense to make people understand why what they propose is not nonsense, not on others to accept nonsense as something other than what it is. The response to nonsense is often not a positive one. Nor should it be I would think.

A lot of (good) science fiction is able to get people to envision how things that would not seem possible or appear to be nonsense might in fact be possible. Bad science fiction tends to be less successful at achieving the suspension of disbelief or leap of faith needed. Bad science fiction might still be regarded as good fantasy though.

My opinion of MD is that it is bad science fiction, but maybe good fantasy. Its more in the "Lost IN Space" camp than "Star Trek". No monsters in rubber suits quite yet though!
You stated:

"One has to accept that some things fall into the realm that can only be designated as "nonsense". The burden lies on the purveyor of nonsense to make people understand why what they propose is not nonsense, not on others to accept nonsense as something other than what it is. The response to nonsense is often not a positive one. Nor should it be I would think."

What you seem to be saying is that low = high concept is nonsense. If so, you are making a good point here. It is like suspension of disbelief. Purveyors of nonsense tell us if we just suspend disbelief, if we just keep an open mind, then everything is possible. Up can be down and down can be up and low can be high and high can be low. And anything is what they say it is because they say so -- and go prove them wrong. Thus, some vendors are allowed to use the forums to attract all the attention they want. Negative or positive -- half sense/half nonsense -- it doesn't matter. It all ads up to free advertising.

So, when a vendor pulls a smoke-screen, making comments on the system of a private audiophile to distract attention from his commercial agenda, it should be noted that this is not a private audiophile exchanging opinions with another private audiophile on audio matters. This has nothing whatsoever to do with audio matters. It is all about how a vendor uses the forum to promote his commercial interests.

I can think of only one vendor who relies on nonsense to promote his products on the forum. Most vendors have some degree of integrity. Many are beyond reproach. But a few just don't care, one way of the other, as long as they are talked about and maintain a profile. From reading this thread, I don't think Geoffkait gives a hoot as long as he attracts some kind of attention. Any attention will do. I am sure his protestations about integrity will follow with the usual convoluted prose. Don't forget to keep your nonsense meter tuned to this frequency.