Clever Little Clock - high-end audio insanity?

Guys, seriously, can someone please explain to me how the Clever Little Clock ( actually imporves the sound inside the litening room?
Audiofankj, yes you will find this product widely used by people that own beachfront property in Arizona that don't normally post a virtual system. Good luck!
Audiofrankj, I have mine listed on my system page under "Various Accessories".
Charlie101, I'm sure the clever little clock constantly monitors its time against the atomic clock, keeping it accurate within seconds of each year however only time will tell. Definately check out Wellfed's write-up on this superb product & click on his posted link, I found it educational & totally inspiring!
Here is something that you can do at home as a tweak that is completely free and will only cost you a few minutes of your time. This is also the concept used in the Clever Little Clock. I am very intrigued as to what others will experience. Please try this at home and let me know here if you believe that there was a sonic imporvement.

Here are excerpts from Belt's article:

"Simple everyday objects such as batteries., magnets., photographs and the very music recordings that we attempt to replay all conspire to seriously impair our senses. To understand this problem, it is necessary to realise the very basis upon which nature evolved the senses. Within each and all living creatures, there is an attempt to maintain an inner symmetrical pattern. The senses all measure the degree of asymmetrical energy patterns exterior to the body and compare the external asymmetrical energy patterns against the internal symmetrical energy patterns. Modern science and technology has surrounded each individual with innumerable objects which have asymmetric energy patterns that create a chronic problem for our senses. It is necessary to remove the effect of these environmental pollutants so that the senses can begin to function at a high level.

Each individual human had a fundamental adverse problem imposed on their senses when they had their first photograph taken. A photographic image captures the unique identity of the subject of the photograph but imposes a significant temporal (time) asymmetrical pattern. The action of this photograph radically changed the inner symmetry of the senses of the photographed human being. Fortunately, this debilitating adverse condition is reversible.

To restore a significant temporal (time) symmetry to any person's senses, it is necessary to acquire one photograph which was exposed when the person was young and another photograph exposed when the person was older. Each photograph is placed, individually, into it's own clear plastic bag. The two plastic bags, each containing a spaced time photograph of the same individual, should be placed inside the freezer compartment of the domestic refrigerator. This will create a most unusual beneficial phenomenon. After placing the two separate photographs within the freezer compartment, either live or recorded music should be played within the listening room. A significant improvement to the musical sound should have taken place. Removing the photographs from the freezer compartment should produce an immediate adverse response if the music is played again. Replacing the two photographs within the freezer compartment will immediately restore the beneficial improvement in the sound. It should be noted that it is not necessary for the photographs to reach the low temperature of the freezer compartment. This experiment demonstrates that within the freezer compartment, there exists a high degree of symmetry and that this symmetrical condition is imposed on the temporal asymmetric condition of the two chronologically spaced photographs and is, in turn, imposed on the senses of the human subject of the photographs. It is unfortunate that the vast majority of people, including many who work in science and technology, do not appreciate that a photograph functions within the quantum mechanical world."

So guys, take a photograph of yourself when you were really young and a current one and put in the freezer. Please let me know if you can hear an imporvement. I thought I did, but then sound is so subjective and the experience is subjective. I want to see what other people have to say.