Clever Little Clock - high-end audio insanity?

Guys, seriously, can someone please explain to me how the Clever Little Clock ( actually imporves the sound inside the litening room?
But seriously, I wonder if this Mr. Belt's scientific theories have been 'peer-reviewed'. This is the usual standard for validity of scientific claims. If you remember the "Cold Fusion" claims, they could not ever sucessfully be duplicated under the proper and normal scientific tests. So it would help if Mr. (Dr.?)Belt could get his theories Peer-Reviewed.
Elizabeth, the pens I used for that experiment were plain black ballpoints from Staples, their cheapest. Keep them in the box, they work best that way!!
Pabelson, are you sure the testimonials are legitimate? For $200.00 there most be a more verifiable tweak worth buying that will make a significant improvement to ones system. I fear by our very active debate on this thread will spark someones curiosity into purchasing one, thus serving the interests of the company that mfgs this gimick.
The company offers a 30-day in home trial. So there is no possibility of fraud, because if the consumer believes the clock does not improve the sound of their system they can return it for a full refund.
At least a person who buys this thing gets something useful...a clock to tell time.