Clever Little Clock - high-end audio insanity?

Guys, seriously, can someone please explain to me how the Clever Little Clock ( actually imporves the sound inside the litening room?
Actually, I did not miss your last post, but I simply do NOT find the concept of "time travel" as mechanism of action for a high end audio tweak to be particularly convincing. The claims made, if true, would have profound implications for space travel, etc. Keep in mind that scientists have yet to form a consensus on a unified field theory, and it's probably a long way off. Maybe the manufacturer's claims are true, but I still won't do the test, and I still won't call Geoffkait to seek an explanation for the device's mechanism of action, even if he were to accept charges for a collect call. It's NOT going to happen.
Eldartford, that seems to be exactly the amount of effort and concern our mentally taxed society will make towards establishing truth. Pity us.

Common man, I am trying to help you here. I think that the CLC is a fascinating device. I thought that I would offer audiophiles a glimpse into the explanation. Notice, I did not provide the complete explanation. With all this talk about the CLC you should have a bunch of orders.

I think people here think I am being sarcastic, but I am completely serious. Plus I think that time effect that we discussed is entirely possible. People here should read Steven Hawkin's Brief History of Time.
In fact, I would venture to say that most of the "accepted" audio imporvements are probably just as imaginary. For example, many people claim that they can hear a difference between WBT or Cardas connectors (binding posts and RCA plugs) vs. regular Radio Shack types. Also, many people claim to hear a difference between different types of insulation.

I am willing to put down $10,000 cash on a challange of any double-blind scientifically organized listening test. If the listener can identify WBT posts versus 50 cent posts from Radio Shack in a double-blind listening test, then I will pay this person $10,000.

Anyone care to accept the challenge?

So, please stop trashing the CLC when you people accept other ridiculous accessories.