"What is "debunkery?" Essentially it is the attempt to *debunk* (invalidate) new information and insight by substituting scient*istic* propaganda for the scient*ific* method."
When Geoff publishes anything remotely indicating having applied the scientific method to reach a conclusion, then this might apply.
SO far all I see is "scient*istic* propaganda", the very thing this statement would seem to warn against.
No surprises here.
The author, Daniel Drasin, is an interesting guy from what I read, a Hollywood type with an interest in the realm that lies outside of current scientific discovery. That's a big realm that includes a lot! Luckily, we have Geoff and MD to help show us the way!
Where are those new frontiers for better sound? Is there more to be heard than our mere human ears have heard or even that each individual has perhaps taken notice of to date? I believe there is.
My standard response to "scient*istic* propaganda" though is:
But I will keep my mind and ears open still so that I might recognize when something new of potential value pops up. I'm very open to advanced concepts...as long as they make sense. What makes sense or not is definitely an individualistic thing and science may often have very little to do with that.
I suppose that's why we have a brain I would think, to use it to help figure out what does and does not make sense. There is no science without the human brain, but the reverse is certainly possible.
Then there is credibility. One might be willing to take a leap of faith and buy into an advanced concept that makes little or no sense if the purveyor has credibility.
When Geoff publishes anything remotely indicating having applied the scientific method to reach a conclusion, then this might apply.
SO far all I see is "scient*istic* propaganda", the very thing this statement would seem to warn against.
No surprises here.
The author, Daniel Drasin, is an interesting guy from what I read, a Hollywood type with an interest in the realm that lies outside of current scientific discovery. That's a big realm that includes a lot! Luckily, we have Geoff and MD to help show us the way!
Where are those new frontiers for better sound? Is there more to be heard than our mere human ears have heard or even that each individual has perhaps taken notice of to date? I believe there is.
My standard response to "scient*istic* propaganda" though is:
But I will keep my mind and ears open still so that I might recognize when something new of potential value pops up. I'm very open to advanced concepts...as long as they make sense. What makes sense or not is definitely an individualistic thing and science may often have very little to do with that.
I suppose that's why we have a brain I would think, to use it to help figure out what does and does not make sense. There is no science without the human brain, but the reverse is certainly possible.
Then there is credibility. One might be willing to take a leap of faith and buy into an advanced concept that makes little or no sense if the purveyor has credibility.