Machina Dynamica

Does anyone take the products that Machina Dynamica sells. There is a bell for sale here where you are supposed to ring it in different rooms throughout the house. What does that have to do with audio?
"What is "debunkery?" Essentially it is the attempt to *debunk* (invalidate) new information and insight by substituting scient*istic* propaganda for the scient*ific* method."

When Geoff publishes anything remotely indicating having applied the scientific method to reach a conclusion, then this might apply.

SO far all I see is "scient*istic* propaganda", the very thing this statement would seem to warn against.

No surprises here.

The author, Daniel Drasin, is an interesting guy from what I read, a Hollywood type with an interest in the realm that lies outside of current scientific discovery. That's a big realm that includes a lot! Luckily, we have Geoff and MD to help show us the way!

Where are those new frontiers for better sound? Is there more to be heard than our mere human ears have heard or even that each individual has perhaps taken notice of to date? I believe there is.

My standard response to "scient*istic* propaganda" though is:


But I will keep my mind and ears open still so that I might recognize when something new of potential value pops up. I'm very open to advanced long as they make sense. What makes sense or not is definitely an individualistic thing and science may often have very little to do with that.

I suppose that's why we have a brain I would think, to use it to help figure out what does and does not make sense. There is no science without the human brain, but the reverse is certainly possible.

Then there is credibility. One might be willing to take a leap of faith and buy into an advanced concept that makes little or no sense if the purveyor has credibility.

Csmgolf wrote,

"So I am still waiting for an answer. The teleportation tweak supposedly "works" by quantum teleportation. Go ahead and google 'record quantum teleportation'. The world record is 89 miles using lasers in open air. I want to know how groups of real scientists working hard at trying to improve upon this can only make it work for 89 miles yet Machina Dynamica can make it work by telephone to anywhere in the world. The teleportation tweak must be where high concept, low tech, and an utter lack of integrity converge. This too can be yours for the low, low cost of $60 for a single phone call. Just imagine all of the wizardry that goes into some of the other MD products."

Well, actually, at the time the Teleportation Tweak was introduced about five years ago the (recognized) record was only about one meter. So I suppose I should give the "real scientists" credit for extending the distance over which they are able to achieve quantum teleportation. Nevertheless, I was achieving distances of thousands of miles, even 10,000 miles, five years ago, so pardon me if I am not terribly impressed by the distances achieved by the "real scientists." I hate to judge before all the facts are in, but I have a sneaking suspicion if the Real Scientists ever got wind of the Teleportation Tweak they would laugh so hard milk would squirt out of their noses. How could some upstart Audio Tweaker beat THEIR glorious record?!
"but I have a sneaking suspicion if the Real Scientists ever got wind of the Teleportation Tweak they would laugh so hard milk would squirt out of their noses"

You got a point there, judge!
You can buy a clock for $200 for super dooper fidelity. No, not a word clock,
an actual clock:
If this looks like a $10 Timex clock with a red sticker on it, that’s because it
is. Oh all right then, it’s not, it’s Machina Dynamica’s Clever Little Clock. How
clever? Clever enough to sell for $199 a piece. How can they justify this
2000% price increase? Why, because it’s been “extensively modified”, of
course. According to his website, Geoff Kait is able to do this using “concepts
and techniques originally developed by PWB Electronics“. Most likely, this
means the technique of buying something that costs very little money (e.g. a
crocodile clip) and selling it for very much money (e.g. £500).

But what does it do? Everything!
Remove the Clock from its clear bubble pack and place it anywhere in the
listening room. The sound will be considerably more musical and live
sounding. There will be less distortion, more information and a deep,
coherent soundstage. Low frequencies will be articulate, extended and
dynamic, high frequencies exceptionally smooth with phenomenal inner
detail. In other words, More of Everything!! Found this online