Clever Little Clock - high-end audio insanity?

Guys, seriously, can someone please explain to me how the Clever Little Clock ( actually imporves the sound inside the litening room?
I thought I read somewhere in one of Audioari1's postings that this clock 'could alter time'. Nice. If I could make any kind of device that could alter time and reproduce this unit with some kind of massproduction unit, I wouldn't bother with audio anymore. How about a Nobel price and a bank account that would make Bill G.'s account look like a paperboy with no job? If I wanted to hear, let's say, the Rolling Stones, I would buy them.
Seriously: if you have a device that really, actually, could alter time, why waste it like this? Or does this time-altering thing means you buy a clock that doesn't measure time correct?
Albertporter...."This is no laughing matter, one more man, one less woman, and an audiophile somewhere is all alone on Saturday night". Perhaps not so big a problem. It may just be a stereotype, but the word on the street is that audiophiles are partial to men.
I think that there should be one stipulation with this bet between Wellfed and Audioari1. When the aftermarket power cord is in the system, the Clever Lil' Clock should be in the room. When the generic cord is in, the clock should be removed from the building. This will take a few minutes longer, but still all right as it will take a few minutes for each power cord to adjust to the system anyway.
Sherod, that would be a dead giveaway. Besides, it's not terribly likely that this testing will occur in my system. I still have to get back to Audioari1 regarding setting up a test in Chicago, a geographically central location to the both of us.
TBG, about engineering, my degree shows as Bsc. of Applied Science, Chemical Engineering. Much 'basic' research is done by engineers, BTW.
As for large planets 'falling' faster than smaller ones, I would rethink that if I were you, even if it does seem like 'common sense'.
Salut, Bob P.