Clever Little Clock - high-end audio insanity?

Guys, seriously, can someone please explain to me how the Clever Little Clock ( actually imporves the sound inside the litening room?
Wellfed, why do you suppose the purpose is to knock the thread off course? Initially, it was an appeal to give a plausible explanation for how it might work, then whether it worked, and then nonsense. Do we share this threads with luddites?
there is a competing product, the clc -- clever little cheddar -- its a block of cheese, you put it on top of your amp, as it heats and melts, it sucks distortion out of your equipment like a sponge...provides a great black background, lowers the noise floor and gives the room a pleasing odor...can also double as a vibration dampener or burger enhancer
Slipknot1, I am deeply offended Sir, and demand immediate satisfaction! Your choice of weapons. . . CLC (Clever Little Cheddar) or CLRG (Clever Little Ripe Gorgonzola)--at least 10 times the stink. First man to faint after applying the cheese-wheel to his tubes loses the duel!
Elizabeth, an LTD partnership is an excellent idea. . . we [can corner the market on Ethereal and Faith-Based sound enhancers. Machina Dynamica will have to concede defeat in this arena!