Clever Little Clock - high-end audio insanity?

Guys, seriously, can someone please explain to me how the Clever Little Clock ( actually imporves the sound inside the litening room?
there is a competing product, the clc -- clever little cheddar -- its a block of cheese, you put it on top of your amp, as it heats and melts, it sucks distortion out of your equipment like a sponge...provides a great black background, lowers the noise floor and gives the room a pleasing odor...can also double as a vibration dampener or burger enhancer
Slipknot1, I am deeply offended Sir, and demand immediate satisfaction! Your choice of weapons. . . CLC (Clever Little Cheddar) or CLRG (Clever Little Ripe Gorgonzola)--at least 10 times the stink. First man to faint after applying the cheese-wheel to his tubes loses the duel!
Elizabeth, an LTD partnership is an excellent idea. . . we [can corner the market on Ethereal and Faith-Based sound enhancers. Machina Dynamica will have to concede defeat in this arena!
Shall it be Cheddars at sunrise then? We can use the Clever Little Clock to synchronize sunrise at our respective locations.