Clever Little Clock - high-end audio insanity?

Guys, seriously, can someone please explain to me how the Clever Little Clock ( actually imporves the sound inside the litening room?
Hey you squirrels, see the new HiFi+. The best two contributions in audio are the CLC and the IC. Perhaps we should invade Britain.

I have read the testimonials where the sound improves as you add another CLC to the room. Is there a point of diminishing return for this thing, or maybe once you get to 50 units in the room, you are actually listening to the same song today, but it's really yesterday, or perhaps tomorrow.
Yes, Sherod.

"Tomorrow Never Knows"

All three from Britain.

Words from the Beatles, and words from the reviewer. I'll go with the Beatles version.
Guido - I stand corrected. But the Ultimate Tweek would be as follows:

1) Get the list of Cheeses from the Monty Python "Cheese Sketch"

2) Get all that cheese

3) Line it up in your listening room to get amazing Clarity, Depth, Dynamics, (sulfurous odour), and Pitch.

Oh, BTW Guido - LMAO!!!

There definitely seems to be significantly lower ROI going from 2 to 3 in my system. I haven't been able to do a proper evaluation for a variety of reasons. Hopefully by tomorrow I'll have a very good handle on the matter.