Tbg - There is no "lingering presence" of the CLC. The clock can, however, affect the sound in the listening room when it is placed in another room of the house. This could be (mis)interpreted as a lingering effect if someone were to remove the clock from the listening room and place it in another room, thinking that the clock is out of the picture.
Strictly on the Hush Hush: The clock was not demonstrated (by me) at CES for a number of reasons, devising a proper test for the clock, esp. one to satisfy the controlled DBTers, is not as simple as it appears and there is risk of "false failure" (if I can be allowed the expression). This risk of failure increaseth (IMO) when systems with brand new speakers and/or electronics are involved... the CLC can do a lot of things but it cannot correct for such ill-advised set-ups. Of course, new speakers/electronics are the rule at the show, sad to say.
Be that as it may, there were at least two CLCs at CES, brought there by a customer. As I hear thru the grapevine, the clocks went over bigtime in the room where they were located - in fact, the exhibitor (who shall remain nameless) requested they remain in the room for the duration. Of course, this is all on the Hush Hush.