Clever Little Clock - high-end audio insanity?

Guys, seriously, can someone please explain to me how the Clever Little Clock ( actually imporves the sound inside the litening room?
As in the PFO article, I found Dave Clark's statements pretty straight-forward and candid. If you don't believe their experience, try it yourself. This is where I am presently. One thing that is disturbing about his further comments here is that he found no benefit from the Brilliant Pebbles nor the Intelligent Chip. Everyone that I know who has tried the IC finds it to give rather substantial benefits and I agree. The experience with the Pebbles is more limited and I never heard a demonstration of them. Two of us who have tried them have found a definite but subtle improvement with two of them in the corners behind our speakers.

If Clark found no benefit from BP and IC, but great benefit from CLC and my experience with the BP and IC is positive will I find none from CLC? I know, I know, try it and see.
I feel that I may need to address my comments (above) so that people do not take it the wrong way... specifically:

"Do you need to agree with "any" our articles, reviews, whatever? I see no reason why you should."

What I mean is that should/will everyone (or to what degree... anyone!) agree with any (or all, or any parts of for that matter) the reviews/articles on PFO. Some will, some won't, some to some degree, etc. Same with any other publication.
"What do mean that preamp is great! I heard it and it sucks!" Probably did for you, but obvously not for that person (or others as well). Heck I read a lot of other people's reviews (in PFO and elsewhere) and frequently question either my hearing or that of the person who wrote what they did - gee... it doens't sound like that to me!
As to the BP and IC... well just not enough to make it worthwhile...
"This stuff affects the listener - not one's system. So it does not so much change how things perform/sound, but how one responds to it (what they say)."

Interesting. . . I did not realize the CLC was a MAD (Mood Altering Device). Probably lots safer than Ecstasy. . . and cheaper in the long run. And not at all invasive, unlike James Shatner's Techno. Truly fabulous Science Fiction. . . and it's available now. . .what a deal!
That should have been William Shatner. . . and the device/ book series is 'Tek'.Apologies to all fans of this fine SF cycle.