I feel that I may need to address my comments (above) so that people do not take it the wrong way... specifically:
"Do you need to agree with "any" our articles, reviews, whatever? I see no reason why you should."
What I mean is that should/will everyone (or to what degree... anyone!) agree with any (or all, or any parts of for that matter) the reviews/articles on PFO. Some will, some won't, some to some degree, etc. Same with any other publication.
"What do mean that preamp is great! I heard it and it sucks!" Probably did for you, but obvously not for that person (or others as well). Heck I read a lot of other people's reviews (in PFO and elsewhere) and frequently question either my hearing or that of the person who wrote what they did - gee... it doens't sound like that to me!
As to the BP and IC... well just not enough to make it worthwhile...
"Do you need to agree with "any" our articles, reviews, whatever? I see no reason why you should."
What I mean is that should/will everyone (or to what degree... anyone!) agree with any (or all, or any parts of for that matter) the reviews/articles on PFO. Some will, some won't, some to some degree, etc. Same with any other publication.
"What do mean that preamp is great! I heard it and it sucks!" Probably did for you, but obvously not for that person (or others as well). Heck I read a lot of other people's reviews (in PFO and elsewhere) and frequently question either my hearing or that of the person who wrote what they did - gee... it doens't sound like that to me!
As to the BP and IC... well just not enough to make it worthwhile...