Machina Dynamica

Does anyone take the products that Machina Dynamica sells. There is a bell for sale here where you are supposed to ring it in different rooms throughout the house. What does that have to do with audio?
Geoff,You can wrap it up any way you like.But,,,its just so hard not to make fun of MD.Little copper flying saucers taped to your window !Sometimes I feel bad that I make fun of your products.But everytime I see an ad like the flying saucers(or clocks,pebbles,,,)I dont feel bad.Sorry.But even the best joke gets stale after a while.So until you come up with a new product ,I am going to try to stop laughing at MD.
I don't own any Machina Dynamica products.
But, I have no problem with the seller.
Let me explain.

1166 sales. (2) neutral feedbacks. All the rest positive.

Check out Vpatel on Audiogon:

386 sales. (2) neutral feedbacks. (9) negatives - many on big ticket items.

See if you can guess which seller I'll never buy from?
How about
a. Analyze this

b. Austin Powers - International man of mystery

c. The man with two brains

d. The nutty professor

e. True lies