Preamp Recommendations for Parasound Halo JC-1's?

Just purchased my JC-1's and love them. Looking to upgrade from my CJ-PV10A. Any recommendations? Thanks.
I have the JC-1s, and was using a CJ 17. The move from that to the Ayre K1x was huge, one of the best pieces of gear I've bought. Another thought might be the Aethetix Calypso if you gotta have tubes. Don't be afraid of the K1x thought because it's solid state, it's anything but forward or agressive.
Save some dough over the big expensive preamps and get an Eastern Electric Mini-max. Incredible tube preamp - high end detail with glowing midrange, and you can tube roll at will. Believe it or not it matched up favorably with the Hovland 100 in my system
You might want to wait a few months. The JC-2 preamp is coming out and was shown in relatively finished prototype form at CES. (disclaimer - I'm a Parasound Halo dealer) If you can't wait the Ayre as suggested by Ejlif is a good choice.