Does the name GainClone ring any bells

I saw a ad on ebay recently describing an intergrated amp associated with GainClone. The seller provided many links and it seems this amp is linked to the 47labs fame somehow. Curious as to what info others may have. Thanks and good listening!
I thank you for your reply and info. I did do a little research with the links supplied from the seller. I even registered with diy audio to see what's going on in that camp. The pics provided show a really nice build and with few parts as you mentioned. Sonics are the order of the day for me however and without a source to audition its a little tough to make a decision. The seller has decribed the sound of this piece and with my musical tastes(acoustic jazz,gospel,vocals)it seems that this might be something I could live with. Stay tuned.
South43 you must be very careful of the match between the speakers and the Gainclone. The closer the speaker load is to 8 ohms and of decent sensitivity..say 90 dB or higher. The better the results when using one. Gainclones are not designed to run tough or wild impedance loads.

With your taste in music and the right speaker match you'll have a great time with the GC. It stopped my amplifier hunt dead in its tracks for the first time in years. I don't even look at equipment for sell any more and haven't for nearly 4 or 5 months...that should tell you something. I swapped amplifiers atleast 11 times in the last three years.

A tubed preamp is a good match for these units. As long as it's not a noisy tubed preamp... the GC is very sensitive to upstream noise.

Great post Darkmoebius!

Have fun!
Darkmoebuis I thank you for the added comments and info. I took the plunge and put a bid on the amp which is a intergrated piece(50 watts). Don't have to worry about a pre. This unit only has one set of inputs and I do have a NAD tuner as well as my Philips sacd player as a source. I also plan on reaquiring a pair of Infinity primus 150 spkrs. They are 8ohm rated very detailed and are I believe 89db. I'll keep you informed if I win and how everything works out. Good listening! Bret
Hi South43,

I looked at the auction and have confidence that it was built from one of best and widely used Gainclone kits, Brian Bell's. I owned one of them and they are extremely well thought out and laid out.

Judging from the photos, the builder paid good attention to wiring layout and assembly. It looks to be a pretty damn go build.

Just one thing to keep in mind, this is a Rev. B amp. The newer Rev 3 amps benefitted greatly from their ability to run Carlos FM's Snubberized power supply. It made a sizable performance upgrade. Also, Gainclone's benefit greatly from true dual mono power supplies(as do all amplifiers).

All in all, I think it cost ~$200-225 to build the whole dual-mono Rev. B sheebang - chasis, knobs, stereo volume pot, input selector, transformers, power cord w/ good plugs, rca plugs, etc.

Check to see what kind of volume pot he used - Alps blue or whatever?

Also, consider that single input limits it's flexibility.

I guess what I am saying is that you probably shouldn't go higher than $100-150 in this auction. You can buy a dual-mono kit from Brian with Carlos' snubberized power supply for ~$90 w/tax+shipping. All the other parts will cost ~$125. Assembly is extremely easy, any beginner can do it. ANd there is pletny of online help on or the other Gainclone forums.
Wow, You are the man. Not knowing enough about this piece puts me in the dark somewhat(no pun intended). I wonder if the upgrades you mentioned can be allocated into this amp. It seems with the upgrades the one input and the dual-mono one can have with these kits $100 is about all I will go. Many thanks to you Dark and Gmood for the posts. Stay tuned, Bret