How to upgrade a nondetachable power cord?

My Conrad Johnson amplifier has a captive power cord.
I have bought a VH audio diy kit to make a new power cord. So, What do you recommend?
- Cut the original amp cable and put a female connector and then plug the new cord
- Open the amplifier and attach the new cord inside the amplifier. This would take a big hole to do it.
Please give some advice
Cutting the hole for an IEC is tricky and tedious - Albert or others may have better methods than I, but below is what I've done. If your back panel is extremely heavy, the nibbler may not work and you'll need a "plan b".

- You need a cutter - I bought a nibbler from Radioshack. After removing the old cord, decide how to place the IEC and draw an outline of the hole. You'll need to make a template for this unless your IEC comes with one.
- If the IEC hole is positioned over the existing hole, begin nibbling from inside the hole, and work out to your line - but not past it. You'll need to drill a hole if it's not there.
- Finish off the hole edges with a file. A dremel moto-tool may work better than a hand file, but I do it by hand because the last thing you need is metal shavings on your circuit. It's very tedious, and you'll want to try for fit as you go. The IEC has about 1-2mm trim tab which doesn't leave much room for error.
- Once your IEC fits, and tightly is good - place it and drill the fastening holes (unless it's a snap in model), fasten it, and wire it up.
- When you're done - make sure you get ALL of the metal cuttings out of the unit that may have gotten away. I use an air compressor to air it out.

Thanks for the advices.
My amp is a CJ MV50, and the original power cord is very simple. I think the upgrade will be worth.
Im thinking, the hole is now too dificcult and I will prefer to not harm the amp(for now). Because this new power cord will remain in the amp for some time. Then maybe I will try for the IEC.
So, the option is the female. But Do you think maybe the short original cable that goes from amp to female will reduce the overall effect of the upgrade?
or the upgrade will have his effect anyway?
Please let me know.Today I will make the upgrade.
Don't bother, cj voiced their amp with the captive power cable and they feel you need to spend real money to improve on it.
if you feel the need to change something, change an interconnect or something.
Very well said Brad, measure twice, cut once !

You can always take it off, but you can't put it back on.

Alanbrain, look for a Furutech IEC, they are very nice quality and offer a coice of set screw terminals or solder-on tabs for the internal wiring.
I tried adding the female IEC to an existing cord - the kind that leave you a pigtail hanging out the back. I removed it and wouldn't do it again, at least not on a good piece of equipment. I think it looks cheap, and if you're leaving the old cord there for the final run to the PS, I'm not sure what you accomplish.

If you're going to do anything, install an IEC with good hookup wire to the PS, or replace the entire cord with a better one.

Finally, you can probably find a shop to do the work for you, but it will be expensive because of the labor involved. OTOH, compared to the cost of a good power cable, this charge will probably be nominal