Bel Canto eOne amps - Is this the future?

This is a relatively new amp series by Bel Canto. Any comments about this ICE technology? Are we done with the large power supplies and heavy back breaking amps?
Elberoth2, I repeat, the B&O 500A module is not a complete amp. It will make
no sound if you plug it in.

You are obviously wrong. The 500A module is 100% plug & play. The only thing you need to run it ia a power supply. It is all written in B&O specs in a link I gave you.

My questin still stands though - does H2O modifies in any way the 500A modules they are getting from B&O ?
Wow!~ This thread is taking off, like there is some interest, or concern surrounding these new strange amps. That's cool.

With Henry's American made Fire preamp I'm in audio heaven. The only reason I brought up H2Os being American made was to explain their pricing. The aluminum plates making up the H2O's chassis are formed within a short distance. Given US's high craftsman wages, each amp case costs around $400. Don't think Henry Ho hasn't considered outsourcing.

The thing is, I consider Henry's pricing a steal. I wasn't concerned about ditching $16,000 monos for Henry's $5,500 monos. However, I would think twice before I pay over $2,000 for a module in a box.
Elberoth2, Let's see what B&O says. Under applications for the ICE power
500A Module, it says, and I quote,

"The ICEpower A-series require external power supply but can also be
powered by the unique ICEpower DC Bus concept integrated in the ASP-series

I rest my case in this matter.

B&O denies warranty to modified modules. Modifying such minute circuitry
would be insane, anyway.

The sound from these modules can be significantly enhanced through linear
power supply, and filtering.
Muralman1...Don't you see that being less than truthful about where the amp is made hurts your credibility about other aspects of the amp. We don't care!!! You raised the subject.

The case is very pretty. But if it costs $400 that would be more than the ICE amp itself, and raises concern about Mr Ho's design priorities.