Any Boulder pre/power amp users here?

Soon I'll get a Boulder pre/power combo and wonder what the Boulder owners use for the IC's. My dealer said Boulder specifically recommends to use its own cables, which are somehow very cheap compared to their amps. I have no idea what these cables are and wonder if these cables are as good as other high-end cables which we know.

So, I'd like to know if anybody tried any Boulder IC's from CD/DAC to the preamp and pre to power and compared them to other cables.

Also what would you use as speaker cable from Boulder poweramp to Wilson Audio Maxx2?

Having owned the 1012+1050 combination, and now the 2060, IMHO, Boulders are designed to such standards that cable differences are not as significant as perhaps with other gear (Probably has to do with high input impedances and low output impedances).

That said, I've had best results (most neutral and transparent "sounding") with Kharma cable (both the Grand Reference and the Enigma range).

I've had Nordost Quattro, Valhallas, Siltech G5 & G6, and Transparent Audio cables in comparison. Have not tried any others in comparison with the Kharmas though I'm curious to try Stealth Indras at some point ;)

Hope this helps.