Intergrateds: Bryston,Creek,Naim,Musical Fidelity

Looking at B-60,5350,nait 5i, MF x-150...any thoughts on which one would work best with 4ohm load...looking for lively, transparent, detailed sound...thanks...
ALso...Arcam a85? More to the point(of all mentioned)...which one would have huge soundstaging with controlled bass...and a more "lively" sound than laid-back...thanks....
A fifth option, which is the one I'd take, is to buy the new Bryston B100-SST. Read the recent review on the B-100 in HiFi+ magazine for detailed information.
Put the Portal Panache on your short list. It has all of what you are looking for. You can get it new or as a demo unit from Joe Abrams with a 60-day trial period. I think it's in the price range you are looking at too. Do a search as there have been a few threads on the Panache and some may compare or mention one or two of your other choices (not sure, but worth a check). I've not compared to any of your other choices, which I'm sure are worthy as well, but I do enjoy the Portal immensely, and don't think it should be overlooked in a search for integrateds.
