Integrated amp for Vandersteen 2CE signature.

Any suggestions on integrated amp for Vandersteeen 2CE signature?
You don't need to spend $7500 for the Gamut to get good sound. I have the 2 CE sigs and I am running them with a TAD-150 and TAD-60 piggyback. Both together lesss than $2000 and the sound is amazing when you roll with 6550 or KT-88 tubes. If you need integrated look for a DK-Design Mk 2. Nice forward sounding integrated and you can find for less than 1/2 original price of $1,500. I heard one and they should sound great with vandys...

Bryston B-60, great amp from a great company, and usually $7-800 used. Happy listening!
Look at the Rogue line. Its great value for the Money. Great sounding units well built in the USA.
Those speakers are very forgiving.
Any quality integrated is going to sound good. Which sounds best to you?
SimAudio. Plinius, Bryston, Krell, BLue
Circle, Rogue...
Mapleleafs3 and Hbarrel are right on! I recently bought a Rogue Cronus for my 2Ce Sigs and I am in audio nirvana!

Superb amp, well built and it kicks butt, sound that words cannot convey, it's that good.

A perfect match in every way.