I had an X2.5, which uses a similar design to the X1. Even at the lowest gain settings I was getting too much volume. I used a pair of ultimate attenuators between my source and the X2.5 to drop the source gain, for an addition $300.
Also, I found that the 3 dB steps on the volume control were spaced too far apart. I was always stuck between too loud and too soft.
I thought the sound of the X2.5 was very good, but the lack of a volume control with small incremental steps just got to me. I replaced it with a Placette Active that had a dual range volume control, each with 127 steps. I like the Placette much better and I can always get the volume exactly where I want it.
Also, I found that the 3 dB steps on the volume control were spaced too far apart. I was always stuck between too loud and too soft.
I thought the sound of the X2.5 was very good, but the lack of a volume control with small incremental steps just got to me. I replaced it with a Placette Active that had a dual range volume control, each with 127 steps. I like the Placette much better and I can always get the volume exactly where I want it.