any compatibility opinions on Nuforce amps with No

I have lots of Nordost cables and was hoping they would be sympatico wih the Nuforce amps. Any input much appreciated!
Cirrus, I think it would depend on your other gear. I do not own Nordost cables but have read a lot about them and from what I can tell they are very revealing. If you have a great front end then I dont think there would be a problem. Nuforce will let you demo the amps and I would go for the 9.02's or SE's. Plato is right, you could tame the brightness with other components. I have an upgraded Denon 2900 now with all silver cabling from the Upgrade company on 9.02's and the sound is rich and open. I am going to try Nuforces p8 pre/amp next because I have heard nothing but positive results on that component. Keep us informed if you demo the Nuforce amps with the Nordost cables.
I have owned both Nordost and Nuforce and doubt the combo would be ideal. When I had the Nordost cables I was always saying to myself 'wow these cables don't put a foot wrong'. But I also found that I became less interested in my system and in music while I had them. It was like something was missing. I have almost a similar reaction to the Nuforce, but much much less so. I am using Jena Symphony cables with the Nuforce and this combo works well. I feel the Nuforce with Nordost would not be bright, but would just be a bit emotionally lacking. I agree however that the right source or preamp might arrest the situation. But I think you get my meaning.
Redwiki, i like your posts on nuforce. In an earlier post I said I liked the copper cables with these amps but then I bought an upgraded Denon 2900 and that made the mid bass shine. It was a bigger improvement than the Nuforce themselves. I went back to the all silver wires and everyhting just really opened up. David Schulte of the Upgrade Company can turn a mediocre unit into magic. I am waiting for a Nuforce p8 pre now.
I have owned Nordost Interconnects and speaker cables, the Speaker cable side of it should be fine, but ALWAYS the interconnects picked up lots of noise ran by the components, and from what I have been hearing about isolation and RF problems in the digital amps and the Nuforce even interfering with peopls Tuner's you might have an issue with hum using Nordost interconnects cause they don't block Nothin in my experiance, but speaker cables do not pick up the noise from my use in the nordost line of product...
Jp1208, I am waiting for my amps back from David. The P8 is really nice. I don't quite know how to describe its sound but whenever a recording has real ambient information I find I am in that space, like never before. It is a huge bargain.