Lamm ML1.1 & ML 2.1


I've the opportunity to heard 2 times the ML2.1 - 18 watts class A - first time on JM Lab Grande Utopia BE and the other one, on Kharma CRM 3.2

I love the sound of the ML2.1 : so natural, so human...

But I don't know the lower priced ML1.1 - the 90 watts -I'm living in France and it's not well distributed.

What differs between both in terms of sound ?

Do you know other amp with this kind of natural sound - at same price or lower !!!!


The ML2 is very difficult to surpass. I haven't heard anything that comes close IMHO. I cannot speak about the other ML1.1 amp.

If you get a chance you should really shoot for higher sensitivity speakers. I've heard the Kharma 3.2 and they were very very nice. I think the Living Voice has a little more in terms of lower end dynamics. I cannot imagine what the true high sensitivity crowd enjoys.

The ML2 really shines when you can appreciate the dynamic energy that can be released in higher sensitvitiy speakers. I have not heard this kind of energy release in any amplifier solid state or tube. Now combined with the crystal clear signal that carries infinate ease of delivery and drive. I think this is the 'natural sound' you are referring to, which is really hard to describe unless you've heard it in person. I think you would search long and hard to find it regarless of price. Price really doesn't enter the picture here. My senese is this type of 'geshtalt' of music reproduction is not in the 'High End' or rather 'HiFi' type of audiophile sound. But I am highly biased.

Anyone have any further thoughts?
I have the ML 2.1 and I can honestly say that of all of the amps I have ever owned none have been as musical as this amp. I toyed with the idea of the ML 1.1 only because I thought that more watts would drive my X-2 Alexandrias with more ease. How could only 18 wpc drive the 15" drivers in my speakers? I must say that I continue to be amazed at how good the ML 2.1 really is. I can play my speakers at ear bleeding levels without making the amps clip. As far as reproduction of music the ML 2.1 is as good as it gets. It will be your last amp purchase.
I own the ML1.1s, have not had the chance to hear the ML2 or 2.1 at any length. The ML1.1 is about as good as you can get with push-pull--an extremely natural, non-electronic sounding amplifier. While I could probably be seduced by the 2s, they would not do as well in my system because my speakers are 90db sensitivity and I listen to a lot of Mahler and other power classical music. My understanding from those that know is that unless you have VERY sensitive speakers you will only be scratching the surface of what the ML2s have to offer and you might be better off with the additional power offered by the ML1.1s. You may not get quite that same purity of sound you would get from the single-ended amplifier, but it is very close. If you do have sensitive enough speakers, though, you should go for the ML2 or 2.1, as otherwise you'll probably obsess over it!

The only other amps I would suggest you listen to that are in the same league musically are from Jadis (I'd suggest their single-ended models, or else the JA 30 or JA80), which might be more reasonably priced in France, or else the Audio Aero Prestige monoblocks, 40 watts of single-ended power that sounds drop-dead gorgeous. The predecessor to the Audio Aero monos, from Audio Matiere/Audio Sculpture (can't remember the name, it wasn't the Equilibre), were possibly the best amps I've ever heard, along with the crazy expensive Siltech amps.
I recently got the ML2s (predecessor of the 2.1s) and am still in the "jaw dropping" stage - am an experienced SET listener (300B and 2A3 amps in particular), but once I got the correct input tube in place, the ML2s are redefining my system's capabilities - still have the "lit from within" quality of lower-power SETs, but with superb extension at frequency extremes, detail and propulsion - the music is projected into the room with a tonal density I've never before encountered. This is in the context of 104dB horns with powered subs. Certainly, the ML1.1s would be overkill in a high-sensitivity system such as this...YMMV.