Lamm ML1.1 & ML 2.1


I've the opportunity to heard 2 times the ML2.1 - 18 watts class A - first time on JM Lab Grande Utopia BE and the other one, on Kharma CRM 3.2

I love the sound of the ML2.1 : so natural, so human...

But I don't know the lower priced ML1.1 - the 90 watts -I'm living in France and it's not well distributed.

What differs between both in terms of sound ?

Do you know other amp with this kind of natural sound - at same price or lower !!!!


I'm a car guy too, 24 year PCA member and currently drive a 2004 Porsche 911 (40th Anniversary Edition). My next will be a 997S, or possibly a GT3...expensive hobbies we have, no?
Hi Triode, yes very expensive passions both of these hobbies but very rewarding when you have the quality & experience of these two manufacturers.
All the best with the new car, I would go for the Porsche 4 wheel drive Turbo in NZ if I could afford one.
Hi Oneobgyn, did you part with the SL 55 or did you keep it and get the Lamm ML3`s as well.
How is your system sounding now, can you notice the extra power of the ML3 compared to the ML2.1.
Hi Jason

I did keep the SL55 and found a way to buy not only the ML3 Signature but so also Vladimir's new LL1 Signature preamp.A far more detailed and revealing system than its predecessor