Looking For Single Source Tube Preamp

My system is currently a modified Denon 5910 as my only source, a passive Luminous Axiom as my preamp (volume control), B&K Sonata M200 mono amps, and Silverline Sonata 2 Speakers. I enjoy the sound of this set up; however some of the discs I listen to come out sounding a little harsh. I intend on keeping this a single source system. I have never had a tube anywhere in my system. I was thinking of trying a single source tube preamp to possibly smooth things out a little. I have read some threads, but I can't find much on single source tube preamps. Is there anyone out there with a similar set-up to mine that can offer suggestions?

I am aware of the Decware Zsla-1 preamp; however I have not heard it or seen much about it on Audiogon.
If you have a preamp now or if you have a volume control on the cd, you can get a Musical Fidelity unit that has nothing but a tube buffer. (I forget what it's called.) You can put it anywhere in the signal chain.
Hi,I,m with Nsgarch on this one.Harshness can often be tamed with different cabling.The first thing to try would be solid core copper speaker cable rather than stranded. Solid core lighting cable can sound excellent and is very cheap from electrical suppliers.I know people with very expensive and fantastic sounding systems that use this.Commercial alternatives would be Axon 4 or Kimber.
The next thing to try would be carbon fibre interconnects like Van den Hul the First.These are the last word in smooth,sweet sound without loss of detail.

The Musical Design SP-2B is single tube design preamp. Very nice, very reasonable, and fully upgradable. There are two on Audiogon right now. Jim
I'm also in agreement with Nsgarch. Cables or room treatments might be the ticket.

Good luck,
Kevin, check out this thread:


It's a report of a CDP shootout that includes a modified Denon 5910. Their main criticism was some "graininess".
