Looking For Single Source Tube Preamp

My system is currently a modified Denon 5910 as my only source, a passive Luminous Axiom as my preamp (volume control), B&K Sonata M200 mono amps, and Silverline Sonata 2 Speakers. I enjoy the sound of this set up; however some of the discs I listen to come out sounding a little harsh. I intend on keeping this a single source system. I have never had a tube anywhere in my system. I was thinking of trying a single source tube preamp to possibly smooth things out a little. I have read some threads, but I can't find much on single source tube preamps. Is there anyone out there with a similar set-up to mine that can offer suggestions?

I am aware of the Decware Zsla-1 preamp; however I have not heard it or seen much about it on Audiogon.
I like your tube preamp idea...I switched from a Bent Audio passive volume control to a tubed preamp a couple years ago...I'm very happy with the smoothness tubes can bring into a system...I have extra pairs of tubes for a quick flavor change at any time.

Some cd's are bright...fact of life...your room could also be a little on the bright side, easy to figure that one out.

I'll have disagree with the others...cables can not add brightness and should never be used as tone controls in your system.

As I stated above...the number of inputs on the preamp are not important, a wider choice of preamps is. Do some searches at Audiogon and Audioasylum forums for a good used tubed preamp in your budget and flavor...I did and struck gold!

BTW, OZ has a great idea...I just went to tube amps myself, the Krell sits in the corner with nothing to do...poor thing!
Ozzy, I thought I might hear from you. You know my speakers better than anyone. I just scanned through the available integrated amps on Audiogon. Does anyone have any input on the Audio Note P2 SE that puts out 18 watts per chanel? Is 18 watts enough for my 96 db speakers? It has just a single input.
Depending on the size of your room and how loud you listen, you might get away with 18 watts. But remember, those speakers have two 10" woofers per side. You might not get the control down below with an SET. But if you don't tend to rock out a lot, it might not be an issue.


What preamp and amp are you using in your system?

When I first started this thread I was thinking single source preamp because of less switches in the line to deal with. Less in more.

I'm using an Audioprism Mantissa that I picked up here a couple years ago...somewhat hard to find. I had it mated with my Krell Ksa-250 and Apogee Duetta Signatures...very nice.

I now have the Mantissa mated with Rogue Audio tubed monos...driving the Apogees...better yet.

I had thought I would switch between the Krell and the Rogues every now and then...I don't seem to be doing that though at this point.

I agree, less could be more in many cases. In this case though, you would be cutting yourself out of many fine preamp choices because almost all your tubed preamp findings will have more than one input, less could be less.
