Tubes for Vac Super Avatar ??

Hi !
Does anybody know which tubes KT88 (the brand) are good for VAC Super Avatar ???,thanks.
Pardon me for seeming " unrefined " with thi statement, but I find it steps from absurd to accept a designer "voices " and amplifier aroud the sound of a cheap Chinese tube. Now, I am not saying that a circuit may be " adjusted " to accomodate a particular character of measured specs, but I find the reason why designers, any deigners use these tubes is not because the mplifier is voiced around them, it's because they are inexpensive and plentiful, and considering even a master like Kevin in terms of building a quality amplifier, which he does not need to prove by any means, might employ 12-18 tubes in any or most of his designs. It just makes economical sense to utilize an inexpensive, but reliable tube or the cost of the amplifier would be driven up by perhaps 20%. I am an owner of the last version of the well reviewed VAC Avatart SUPER and I have found changing out the front line 12AX7 an 12AU7 did more for this amplifier than power tubes did, however, I personally found the cyo'ed Svetlana KT88 winged C to provide the most uniform and transparent sound, but again, this could all be due to my up and downstream components. i have found no one solution fits all, there is no standard IMHO.

thanks for listening man, enjoy the music........
I have the Penta KT88SC's in my Cary SLI-80 and they are the best I have tried and I have tried most of the major players in the KT88 field, with the exception of the JJ's. Also, in my opinion the sound of the solid plate Penta's and the version with the three holes in the plates (KT88-98) are so similar that any differences are imperceptible to me. So I can heartily recommend both.

I am interested in the recently introduced Genelex Gold Lion KT88's that purport to be an exact copy of the vintage Genelex's. But the cheapest I have seen them is for $210 a quad, so I am trying to wait on some reviews before I bite the bullet. Has anyone tried the new Gold Lions?
I think I recall reading a post somewhere that Tvad tried the Genelex and the Shuguangs were superior in his Vac 110.
I replaced two quads in my VAC 220's with SED KT-88's from Tube Depot at a reasonable price, they sound great and are durable.
Zodiac, I have recently had qc issues with tubes directly from Kevin, but he has been good about getting replacements out but even those don't hold up. TVAD's advice is spot on from my experience.

Onemangang - I guess you really do love the VAC Avatar Super! What do you recommend for the brand and vendor for the pre tubes you mentioned. Thanks.