Linn Kairn internal battery replacement.

hello all,
I've just bought a second hand Linn Kairn (phono) and have powered it up to get the "ERR 2 dont panic" messge. It only cost me 300 dollars so I'm not too upset. Has anyone replaced the internal battery ?? If so does anyone know of a set of instructions anywhere. I've had the case off and its not obvious as to where it is. The brilliant power supply looks nice though.

I dont know much about this pre-amp, so general opinions/comments would be appreciated. I hope Its not going to be a bit of an Albertross.

Wishing you all well.

Borg7x9, You are either one lucky fellow or maybe you just live right. Are you aware of the market value of a Kairn w/slimline and phono? I concur with Newmanoc about the service advice. Good luck and enjoy, I owned one for years before going over to the dark side (tubes) or was that the light?
Happy Listening!
Thank you Gentlemen, you've eased my worries somewhat. I'll contact my local dealer here in Auckland and get them to give it a once over.

What are your guys opinions of the onboard Phono stages in the Kairn ?? I've really bought it as a way back into Vinyl . I too have gone over to the dark side (avantgarde duos/Yamamoto A-08s/Meridain 500 series 3box cd/digamp)

I dont really need the Karin in the system as it stands but i thought it might give me a little extra flexibility (especially in being able to add a turntable). It'll be inetersting to see what it does to the sound of the system, which isn't at all bad.

Yes I did think it was a very good buy, but then things that seem too good to be true oftern are. I'll let you know how I go. Thanks for your interest and time.

The Kairn phono stage is remarkably good. There is no stand alone phono stage you can buy even on the used market for $300 that will sound nearly as good. The closest is a Dynavector P75 ($600 new, $400 used), which for some tastes is arguably better, but even then many would not agree. Enjoy your journey into vinyl - it is a lot of fun.
Thanks Newmanoc,

I've found an ex-dem wilson benesch full circle (including ply) for around 2000USD which I'm contemplating at the moment. (I used to own an Orbe/smeV/MC30) and I've got around 2000 lp's. So in the long run it'll save me money in the purchace of software. Thats what I'm telling my partner anyway. I'm ver much looking forward to it.:-)
The continuing saga...........

I left the amp powered up over the last couple of days to see if the internal battery could be charged. I turned it off and on at the switch and now it wont turn on again, no led t at the switch, nothing. Very Interesting. I feel a trip to my local Linn dealers comming on.
