Tube Amp Around $1000

I am going to buy a tube amp for my system and am thinking of a TAD-60. I have Usher 520 speakers, a CAT SL1 MKII preamp and a Resolution Audio Opus 21 CD player. I will be updating the speakers some time next year. Anyone have an opinion on the TAD-60 or other suggestions? I want to keep the price around $1000 new or used.
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Check out the TAD-60 reviews. I have one with TAD-150 and Vandersteen 2CE signatures. Rolled in some Tung Sol 6550 reissues and sound is amazing. No real house sound to speak of but, fast, robust, lots of air and great extention on the highs and lows. I had a DNA-1 by McCormack. It is no match for the TAD-60... My only change will be to Mod the Tad-150 to signature level and maybe try some KT-88 tubes on the TAD-60. I have no desire to change amps.
Eagleman, I am leaning that way. I have read the reviews and it seems like a good deal for the amp. I have read some good things about the MV55 also. I am considering Maggie 1.6s in the future and don't know if the CJ will be enough power.
Ditto on Aball's post. I too own a CJ MV-55 and it is one gem of an amp! Although lately I have been using the HCA-2 which I like better than many solid state amps, I will eventually feel the need to reinsert the MV-55 for a different prospective on ss versus tubes.