Tube Amp Around $1000

I am going to buy a tube amp for my system and am thinking of a TAD-60. I have Usher 520 speakers, a CAT SL1 MKII preamp and a Resolution Audio Opus 21 CD player. I will be updating the speakers some time next year. Anyone have an opinion on the TAD-60 or other suggestions? I want to keep the price around $1000 new or used.
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Eagleman, I am leaning that way. I have read the reviews and it seems like a good deal for the amp. I have read some good things about the MV55 also. I am considering Maggie 1.6s in the future and don't know if the CJ will be enough power.
Ditto on Aball's post. I too own a CJ MV-55 and it is one gem of an amp! Although lately I have been using the HCA-2 which I like better than many solid state amps, I will eventually feel the need to reinsert the MV-55 for a different prospective on ss versus tubes.