High end amp - my last step

I would like some opinions on buying an amp.

I have some unusual constraints, but a pretty healthy budget.

The constraints:

1) I'm in the UK - 230/240 volts must be available - even if a second hand model has to be sent back to the manufacturer.

2) The amp / amps must live in a space in a well ventilated cabinet, open back and full grill to front plus much ventilation above and below. Space is about 24 inches wide, 30 inches deep and 14 inches high for a mono. Height can be doubled for a stereo amp, e.g. a VTL s-400 will fit but Seigfried Monos will not. Heat should *not* been seen as much of an issue, size should - eg a Krell MRA would drop straight through the floor into the utility room.

3) Power should be enough for a dynamic sound in my 89dB efficient Sophias, but just enough is good enough as these will probably be replaced in the future.

4) Aggravation free, long warranties are good and local dealer support good too - so would demonstrations.

I don't mind tubes, solid state or hybrids. I mostly listen to jazz, indie and pop - actually anything apart from opera.

The budget:

$30,000 - I will consider second hand and I will consider cheaper if I can find it :o)

My own suggestions:

VTL s-400 or 450 monos. (UK distributor - DCS - is less than 5 miles away and will be able to demo at home during April)
Lamm 1.2 ref (No representation in uk :-( )
Audio Research 600's
Dartzeel - (My Wilson dealer carries them, and they look like they won't break, I should get a demo)
Other ideas MBL, Boulder, CAT

I'm not in a rush, probably want to buy in June, but I want to sort out some listening sessions. I *do not* intend to ever buy another amp, so it should be good for (or servicable) for next 20 years!
I bought a pair of Lamm 1.2 reference for 10K only 6 months old. They are amazing but they do get warm. They are so good I chnaged my cabinet design. Mine were in a similar location and the sound was so wonderful that I bought a pair of Silent Running Audio amp stands since I have vintage tuners in the same cabinet and did not like the heat. These cost me another 2K used. They are also amazing and I highly recommend these as well. So I only spent 12K (funny huh)and would not trade these for any amp I have ever had the opportunity to audiotion. While these may not be fit your criteria, I encourage you to try them at least.
I would like to suggest the new Ayre mono-blocks. Size will not be a problem.

I only heard these at the CES but I have owned Ayre amps for the last 4 1/2 yrs. When you buy an Ayre product you also get fantastic product support.

Though I am not able to purchase anything remotely near that $$ range. I have been through a few amps. I hybrid Llano, a solid state CJ, a McCormack, and lastly a Pass X-150 amp which is the best amp I have owned and I can live with for a very long time. I would suggest a Pass labs X150.5 (which are suppose to be better than mine - a little more tube like) or better yet a Pass Labs XA amps which is straight Class A. It would be good to know what preamp and speakers you are running to get good synergy.
Happy hunting and God Bless!
With that kind of dough.. Goldmund, FM acoustics, Tube Research Labs maybe?? wish I had that problem.
Preamp (processor actually) is the Meridian 861 v4.2
Speakers are Wilson Sophia, these will be upgraded further down the road, but not for a year at least. The amp will never be upgraded - at least that's the plan. I may consider a seperate pre-amp - but all the demos I've heard, the Meridian holds it's own against some of the best line preamps out there.

Goldmund could be a consideration - they appear to be a Swiss Boulder from what I've seen (but not heard). I did have tube research on my list, but they looked too big.