Ayre V-5xe best tube pre-amp to match with?

I own an Ayre V-5xe power amp and strongly consider a very good tube pre - or the matching K-5xe pre amp from Ayre. Any suggestions?
would you though say that the VK-31 SE is a bad product? The two other remaining products on my short list are Aesthetix Calypso and Ayre K-5xe.
Having owned the 31SE for 2 years, and heard the Calypso many times in my system and the system of its owner, and both compared directly to the Callisto Signature which I now own, the 31SE is a mighty fine product. If you want to stay in the $3000-3500 range, you need to hear the 31SE vs. the Calypso for yourself. Going by anyone's else's opinion on what is "best" is likely to leave you wondering forever if you did the "right" thing.

Compared to the Calypso, the 31SE's strengths are its portrayal of space and decays. Compared to the 31SE, the Calypso's strengths are its low-level resolution and coverage in the trebles. Both do a good job in the coverage of the frequencies. The Callisto Signature significantly destroys both of these to convey all of these strengths in a "great" way, not simply "good".

I have wanted to know how the 51SE and many others have stacked up to the Callisto Sig, but the only thing that will likely me let this magical piece go is to find a full-function preamp to make life easier than the multiple chassis Io/Callisto combination.

Have you any experience with Ayre K-5xe pre amp? When it comes down to soundstage depth, focus/ imaging, air around instruments, speed, clarity and detail, low lever and high lever resolution which one was to your ears better VK-31 SE or Calypso (or probably Ayre K-5xe)?
Frankpiet--not at all. The 31SE is a great preamp at prices on this website. It just isn't a 51SE---just looking at the build quality alone, its quite obvious. I spoke to BAT on this, and they think the 31SE perhaps is the great bargain---though it definitely isn't the 51SE. The 51SE is even more transparent, liquid, and forceful in the bass. It exudes a "blackness" to the background that needs to be heard to be believed. Good luck!
Keithr: any experience with VK-50 ? I heard its better than VK-31 SE and can be upgraded to VK-51 SE status anytime.. ?