How does Berning ZH270 compare to Cary Cad211 AE ?

My system consists of Merlin VSM-MX, Cary cad 211 AE, Velodyne DD12, Aesthetix Calypso, Rega P9 with Konrapunkt C, ASR Riaa and all Valhalla cabling. I’m also experimenting with some DAC/PC stuff.

I wonder if the Berning is up to or par with Cad211AE. I’m very sensitive to hum and noise. Is the ZH270 noisier?

I have just ordered a ZH270 for test from Denmark, this because of no imports to Norway.
Cardas GR is a much better choice w/this gear than Kimber. Kimber is more appropriate w/gear that is lacking in transparency. Cardas is much more relaxed, w/o losing details. Au24 is good too, but not quite as natural sounding IMHO. FWIW, I sold my au24 to move up to Cardas GR. Other Cardas models aren't recommended here. There are many comments on these cables w/Merlin & Berning in the archives. Cheers,
Nr9, very much interested in your thoughts of the Cary vs. the Berning. Let us know.
I will let you know. I will receive the ZH270 within 14 days. It’s easy to compare them, because I will have them side by side. I also know the Cary’s very very good. For the test I will use Stereovox SEI/ LSP with VSM-MX.
Just let be say it this way!

I have just received my Berning ZH270. It has now played for about 100 hours.

First I will thank David Berning for making this beautiful sounding amplifier for me. After reading the owner’s manual, I can only imagine how much development work this project has caused. I have deep respect for Mr. Bering’s intelligence.

This amplifier is exceptional.

I have been interested in music and high-end sound for about 30 years now. I have owned so many amplifiers, but no one of them has been like the Berning. The amplifier is totally open and organic in the midrange. The bottom end is extended and deep. The top is so sweet and without artificial edginess. There is no synthetic sound here! This amplifier reproducing and rendering music so good, that I just can’t fault it any way. I wonder if this amplifier could be my last amplifier.

The best cable I have tested so far is Stereovox LSP/SEI. These cables are really good and I believe they are one the best out there at any price.

At last I must say that my Berning ZH270, my Merlin VSM-MX and my Stereovox LSP/SEI cabling make my day!

Congratulations to David Berning, Bobby A. Palkovic and Chris Sommovigo with such excellent products.

Hope you read this Allan!
I will contact you to for further refining my audio system.

I just hope that a DAC in the same league will show up one day. I consider Audio Note DAC 3.1B

I've been watching this thread with interest, as a Berning owner myself.
I expected that this would be the result.

Enjoy your system!