I ran three dedicated circuits up to my bedroom yesterday. Same as before, three hots, three dedicated neutrals, one isolated ground and a dirty ground. I used Hubbell industrial grade I.G. receptacles.
I plugged the amp into the first one, pre-amp the second (Recommended by the factory) and power conditioner the third. I then plugged the transport and Dac into the power conditioner.
What did I here from this tweak? Nothing! AND A LOT OF IT!! The noise floor had dropped dramatically. I barely heard any hiss coming out of my speakers. Even when I pressed my ear to them and cranked the volume up full blast they were unbelievably quiet. (With nothing playing of course).
The music leapt off a pitch-black background, much darker than before. The instruments had more separation in the sound stage and I could actually hear the wood resonating off some of them. AMAZING! I must say I am a believer in dedicated power now. Even the wife noticed a change.
I'm actually afraid to touch or tweak the system any more for fear of losing this newfound magic. To think I had given up on my Thiel 3.6 speakers many times in the past never once realizing they could sound like this. I can’t imagine the sound being any better even from speakers costing twice as much. GREAT SYNERGY :^)