What's best for MX's?

Berning or Ars-Sonus Filarmonia?
Did you order the Ars with the V-Cap option? Do you want the gold or silver faceplate?
V-Cap Option? This will sound stupid but I wasn't even aware that there was a v-cap option? Don't know if mine will be coming with it or not but I'll ask Bobby.

I'm after the gold faceplate myself. Thanks,

The silver looks good on my desktop. Will you place it on the floor or a stand such as an Symposium Ultra/Critical Mass?
I hadn't really thought about anything beyond the standard BDR cones under my existing tube amp on my Quadraspire Q4 rack. Not the worlds best setup granted but I'm thinking about a Arcici rack, (not sure of the spelling on that one), next. I haven't been able to find too much info on the Critical Mass stands. Any thoughts on a dedicated stand/shelf are appreciated. Thanks,
