Am I spending too much money?

I know the sky is the limit and one can spend countless dollars. My question involves some economy and not a limitless bank account./

After years of searching I finally have a speaker setup I like and think is a great deal unless I spend a lot more money - triple - for my listening room of 12 x 11 x 8ftceilings

GME Europa original not max and sunfire true sub mark II

I won't get into the myriad of systems I have tried over the years unless asked. But this setup is unobtrusive - sounds real both in the bass and mids and while I have had silkier mids and sharper highs they haven't been in this kind of tonal balance and clarity. So for now I am happy here.

So I wan't to get an amp/preamp/integrated amp and am considering the Mark Levinson 383. But am wondering for the same $3.5k used am I missing the point and could get a lot more bang for my buck. If the 383 at that price in my setup will be top shelf sonic nirvana and it is the minimum entry $$$ level point for top shelf then fine. I want to spend the $3.5k but If I can get BETTER perfromance from say a BAT vk-3i $1,200 used and a whatever amp at $1,500 used then I'm ahead a lot and got BETTER SOUND.

So I suppose the bottom line is for $3.5 with the speakers I have and since I like convenience a SONY-CDPM55ES player (yes - 400 disc carousel - top of the line ES. If apple is getting away with MPEG on iPods will a $1,500 used cd player be all that??? over the Sony? - OK if that is the case then a preamp / power amp / cd player combo for my speaker system at $3.5k.
I like JD's suggestion of losing the sub, and moving up to the Callisto's. As far as amplification, I'm happy I made the switch to a good integrated... I previously had less than stellar luck with amp / preamp combo's of YBA 3 series & BAT VK 200 amp(good) and VK30 preamp(not impressed). If I were in the market for an integrated I'd also be looking at the VAC Avatar in addition to the M. Levinson 383. As far as CDP's, I just picked up the old Sony Flagship XA7ES and am thrilled (approx. $850 used).
I am not sure if the Callisto would be all serving without a sub, but those are some really great speakers!
Here is my 2 cents.

Buy yourself a Krell 400 IL or 300IL intergrated. It is a better sounding unit and you can buy one used for about $1700 or $1800.
The sad truth is once you're bitten by the high end bug, spending money is never too much. I can spend $10K on product that I thought "bang for the buck".