KT-88/ 90 choices to replace my new stock tubes

I am trying to decide on one of these tube types for a new pais of quicksilver V4 amps I just bought. The stock tubes sound good, but I feel they can be improved upon. My frontrunner is the JJ tesla KT 88 ( around $75 a pair) , having had good results with this tube previously with another amp. I am also considering the EI KT-90 , which I heard was quite good with the exception of the newest ones( mark 3 perhaps). I am open minded and the JJ tesla price range is fine, but I dont want to spend too much over their asking price.Thanks in advance.

I had 6550s in my integrated amp when I bought it, but replaced them right away with EH KT88s. The sound was much fuller and in my opinion more enjoyable. FWIW
I second Jeff's recommendation. The Penta Shuggie's are fabulous. Just be sure to request solid plates without holes.
I have had the EH KT88's and was not impressed. I think the Chinese made Valve Arts that I use sound great though.
Use KT90's and your midrange may suffer somewhat. The kt90 is a more alive sounding tube. If you like to go in that direction then the kt90;s are for you. I had good responce with Valve Art kt-90s. Valve art kt90's sound great in Hurricanes. Kt 90's (series 2,) sound best in VTL 300 (need a boost in highend dynamics) My rogue Zeus Electro Harmonix are best, ect.I woulnt be too concerned with power output.
Ive found out of all these listed amps i sold them all and kept a rogue Magnum 120's, MUCH faster and less tubbey then the lot. Hope this Helps.