Audio Horizons TP 2.0 Preamplifier

Anyone famaliar with the manufacturer,and in particular
this pre amp.The credentials and testimonials seem
impressive.The advertised 10 day audition is appealing.
McCormack TLC-1 deluxe, I compare with both the buffered/passive output. Other info:

Harbeth Super 5
Meridian 200 + 563
Meridian 504
McCormack DNA 1 deluxe
AQ Everest + Sky
PS Audio 600
Audio Horizon power cords
Thanks. You see how important it is to mention the gear that you used before. It still doen't say much about the qualities of the preamp. It's better than the Mccormack TLC which is a boat anchor for me. Glad you like it.
Hello. I am very seriously considering obtaining the Audio Horizon TP 2.0 preamp as my first tubed experience, given the wonderful feedback about Joseph and his products here.

Would you be so kind as to update your impressions now that most of you who have posted have been living with the preamp for a longer time than initial impressions posted here earler. I know that I can audition but do not want to do so until I am quite certain that I will keep, to be fair to Joseph.

Has anyone sold theirs and moved on? Anyone interested in selling thiers? Still feel it is the best available? The basic version is wonderfully priced - how necessary/desireable do you think the upgrades are, that are offered? How do you feel about the stock tubes versus upgrade? I am particularly wondering about the expensive B version transform upgrade as I will be presenting the preamp with an unbalanced source DAC but feeding into a amp that accepts balanced input. All short cable runs with clean power.
Associated equip Von Schweikert VR4SR speakers, Aragon 8008BB amp, Northstar Transport and DAC. Geurilla IC cable and PC's.
I continue to use and to enjoy my TP 2.0nB preamplifier. No trouble with the preamp at all. I think it is a great value.
Perhaps you will enjoy the process of upgrading the preamplifier. I went for the fully upgraded version at the start, including the upgraded tubes, and have not regretted it.
As I understand it, Joseph offers the tubes as a not-for-profit service to his customers in order to better demonstrate the capabilities of the preamp. I listened to the stock EH tubes and to Siemens tubes. The benefit of the Siemens was clear to my ears. However, there may be other excellent tubes that you would prefer.