Well,Joe, to my knowledge, you are the first to mention this new version of Joseph's preamp. I have been in frequent contact with Victor and the only mention of a preamp is a phono unit that is still in the evaluation stage. Perhaps this is the new preamp that you mention. As you know, the current TP 2.0 versions are all line stages only, so naturally one with a phono would be higher priced. If the phono is offered as a separate phono-only, then this would be a new product for all with line stages who want to expand to phono as well. I also would imagine that if there are any upgrades available that would enhance the sound of the current preamps, Victor would make an announcement and include it in their web site. I would also assume that perhaps current owners would possibly have an opportunity for upgrades before any new versions were announced to the general public. Joseph and Victor are both very fair in dealing with their current customer base.