Audio Horizons TP 2.0 Preamplifier

Anyone famaliar with the manufacturer,and in particular
this pre amp.The credentials and testimonials seem
impressive.The advertised 10 day audition is appealing.
LA45 I am glad that you are happy with the your preamp. What version did you get and what tubes are you using - the gold pins or regular Siemens? Curious about the cyro as I have never attempted. Can you walk us through this a step at a time? For example: Did you leave the tubes in? Did you wrap the unit? How long did you leave it in for? Is there a warm up time afterwards before you plug in the unit? Any dangers to watch for, aside from defrosting it and putting it on the grill, thinking it is a steak?
I am leery of the freezer treatment of anything. Freezing is 32 degrees F. I don't know if there is scientific evidence that this temperature is sufficient to change the molecular structure of the item. I know there is evidence of true cryo treatment making changes on a molecular level, but true cryo is substantially lower than standard freezing. There are a couple of threads regarding freezing and double- freezing, wrapping in a plastic bag, etc. but it all seemed ludicrous to me. Maybe freezing does work, but I'm not comfortable enough with trying it out just yet. I have other tweaks in mind that to me would make a bigger difference, in general. YMMV
I agree that freezing at zero is risky at the very best. One can buy a quad of nice Bugle Boy tubes used for $65 and get a warmer more organic sound without any risk of damaging the $3000 amp.

I know that cryo does seem to help the sound as I have done that to a Belles pre, wires and tubes. Zero degress in my home freezer is not cryo however.

This whole thing is most interesting to me to be honest. I am open minded, but must say it sounds very risky to me.
Victor is sending these questions to Joseph but reports that they already cryo some of the components within the preamp. They have not ever cyro'd the whole thing. So - how brave, adventurous is our little club? Perhaps La45 is our pioneer! I would at least check if it voids the wareentee and probably, as an official cyro woose would go tenth instead of second in this grand experiment.
There's some circuit board isolation going in my preamp tomorrow.

I have some other tricks in the making, following my isolation procedure (safe, even better sounding and totally reversible)

Details will follow later upon completion.