Audio Horizons TP 2.0 Preamplifier

Anyone famaliar with the manufacturer,and in particular
this pre amp.The credentials and testimonials seem
impressive.The advertised 10 day audition is appealing.
Just got my first quad of cca's in today and will listen for the first time to them tonight.
Sherod and others,I say 2 weeks because the tubes won't be in my hot little hands until next week.I will report my impressions and other particulars thereafter.
The Amperex PQ White Labels I have been using are very nice and may indeed be best for some systems, they seem to provide a very splashy, dynamic, exciting sound with a good amount of detail, no harshness and a quite natural sound. That said, last night my first listen to the Siemens early sixties cca's was something really special. There is a loveliness, control, evenness across spectrum, and a wonderful revelation of deep inner detail such as easily hearing the quailty of wood within a viola, violin, and cello sound. I became so enraptured with each genre I was sampling that I did not get to jazz, rock music, organ, and a few others but surely enjoyed classical piano, Jennifer Warne, Johnny Cash, and Scottish Fantasy classical string.
Meanwhile, I'm conjuring up another mod ............................................... heh-heh-heh

Stay tuned to this channel, I'm in complete control of your preamps, do not attempt to adjust your sound.

I can adjust your width, I can adjust your height, I can adjust your depth.

I can also change your sound from a sleepy "blur" to an alarmingly "focused" stage.

So sit back, relax, grab yer favorite brew, yer beef jerky or whatever, and listen quietly, while I lead you into the towering pyramids of,

*THE SOUND YOU NEVER HAD ............... TILL NOW* !!