Audio Horizons TP 2.0 Preamplifier

Anyone famaliar with the manufacturer,and in particular
this pre amp.The credentials and testimonials seem
impressive.The advertised 10 day audition is appealing.
Rob, I have to admit that those home-made feet are very elegant and classy looking. And I'll bet they really help the soundstage to open up very nicely. Excellent job on your woodworking skills.

Shhhhhh. I'm listening.

Seriously, this is the first chance I've had to really listen since I installed them. Now playing: Boz Scaggs, Come On Home.

I'll see if I can answer your question later.

I'm thinking of re-doing the feet, using more than four facets per foot. And I might be able to get some redheart.


Our room hopefully won't be that color for long. We've had it like that for years and it's time for a change.

The weird thing is that we have a decorative paint business (faux painting, plastering, etc.) But, I guess when we have time off we don't really want to paint at home.

Not a bad color, though...

To be honest, I would need a chance to A/B the purpleheart feet with something else, perhaps my BDR MKIII cones. As soon as I do that, I'll be able to give a more emperical evaluation.

See, when I moved the new feet to the TP, I took the Walker Valid Points from the TP and moved them to under the Spectron amp. We also suddenly had high humidity conditions, which tends to have a noticeable effect on the Maggies. As you might expect, with three changes, it's hard to isolate what I now hear as...

...MUCH better sound. It sounds somehow sweeter - almost more "organic" - than before, as though there's a nice, soft, mellower feel to everything.

That said - and I will get back with more, later - I'm sure that I'll be keeping the purpleheart feet under the TP and the Valid Points under the amp, where they are now. Sounds good to me, and that's what counts.
