Yeah, I kind of felt the same way being cajowled into pulling teeth for some CD Selection out of a dwindling
Format. Been painted into a corner of Computer Audio
Format Selection (Still Limited). Both Formats have
something to offer. Shoot, I would buy the same selection
from both Formats. I would probably keep the one that
sounded the best- never in the same Format! Buy the best
sounding of Computer Audio, and CD- never the same selection. No, everyone had to have the CONVENIENCE of
Computer Audio Format- or the HIGHWAY. Who is more foolish,
the fool- or the fool who follows him. If you were fooled, I followed! We have no adequate Music Format now! Our Music is splintered all over the place. I find this condition unacceptable. When do we start to fix this- or is it too INCONVENIENT to do so? Do we continue to strangle
what little life is left in the CD Format? Simple question
only requiring a simple YES, or NO! You tell me where we go from here- I'm just lost! I'm out of suggestions, and
completely frustrated- I give up! Our Music is a mess of
splintered Formats. Computer Audio is completely splintered. I don't know where to get Music from anymore.