Audio Horizons TP 2.0 Preamplifier

Anyone famaliar with the manufacturer,and in particular
this pre amp.The credentials and testimonials seem
impressive.The advertised 10 day audition is appealing.
I have the remote version with all of the upgrades and here is what I have found. So many variables impact channel balance that moving my head an inch or two to the right or left is all that is needed to get to that SWEET SPOT of perfect channel balance.

My furniture placement, the recording, room treatments, room shape, other gear and the ear wax level in a particular ear! all impact channel balance. No issue at all with my AH preamp's ability to throw a perfect center image. In fact, this pre is the champ at throwing a wall of sound with a wonderful center image. I find using the XLR's outs also improves the size and focus of the stage.

My only issue is wondering if I should spend the $300 on the new upgrades? How much better is it etc..............

Joseph uses a very high quality pot on both the motorized and the manual. The manual is superior to the motorized in terms of channel balance being virtually dead on. We do not feel the preamp is out of balance either at the outputs or at the pot, and I explained why using the specs. It is possible it appears that way to the customer, but that could be because his old preamp was out of balance, because his room is unbalanced, etc.

In trying to reassure people that there is no problem with the preamp, I see I have misled people there is.

In trying to be reassuring, I see I have only succeeded in raising anxieties.

There is no problem with the preamp's balance. We consider this customer's problem, if there is a problem and not simply a difference from his old balance, an anomaly.

Victor - No worries! My anxiety did not rise with your post, rather I was trying to suggest that you might be overly worried given percieved balance can be influenced by as Bill mentioned by earwax et al. My AH imaging is dead-on and beautifully dimensional.
Victor .y previous set up preamp.Once I added your preamp the center image shifted.
I also have no anxieties about what you wrote. I have very good center staging with my preamp, but careful room placement of my speakers and proper room acoustics has played the larger role in that department. I have to admit that Joseph did a great job initially when voicing his preamp with the Hovland caps. Joseph might have since found even better caps, but the 4.7 uf Hovlands have a " breath of life" to them that are enthralling. In my experimentation with several types of caps, I recently tried a 4 uf Hovland and the 4.7uf value which Joseph chose sounds much more evenly balanced. Joseph does indeed have very good hearing. My hat's off to him in the development of this preamp.