I would love AH to come out with an amp. Here is my two cents worth on the type of amp you should develop. It should be an SS amp and it should also be powerful. I would say 200 watts/channel as a minimum. Here are my reasons.
- I find a good preamp mated with good SS amp gives you all the tube "sound & benefits" needed. Having a nice tubed DAC or CD player makes an SS amp even more attractive.
- I am a long time tube nut, but of late have heard SS amps that sound every bit a good as the best tube amps. The current Belles 350 Reference is one example. SS has come a long way! No need to deal with big output tubes that are hot and need replacing etc....
- Powerful SS amps deliver the scale and impact needed to create a live performance setting in a living room.
- Mate this with an AH pre and tubed DAC and you have MUSIC!!!
Joseph and Victor, get a Belles 350 Reference as a benchmark and go for it.
- I find a good preamp mated with good SS amp gives you all the tube "sound & benefits" needed. Having a nice tubed DAC or CD player makes an SS amp even more attractive.
- I am a long time tube nut, but of late have heard SS amps that sound every bit a good as the best tube amps. The current Belles 350 Reference is one example. SS has come a long way! No need to deal with big output tubes that are hot and need replacing etc....
- Powerful SS amps deliver the scale and impact needed to create a live performance setting in a living room.
- Mate this with an AH pre and tubed DAC and you have MUSIC!!!
Joseph and Victor, get a Belles 350 Reference as a benchmark and go for it.