Audio Horizons TP 2.0 Preamplifier

Anyone famaliar with the manufacturer,and in particular
this pre amp.The credentials and testimonials seem
impressive.The advertised 10 day audition is appealing.
I realize that the auditory memory is poor, however, being a musician and being very familiar with the live sound of instruments,I remember what the each preamp gave me in terms of reproducing recorded instruments which I am familiar with. I am going to continue listening nightly to my "new" preamp as it continues through its break-in towards the 100 hour mark. Stay tuned.
Ah, so you use as your benchmark the welll memorized live instrument and then remember the comparisons to this. Do you keep notes as you go along?
Only mental notes. I would like to have the two preamp versions side-by-side, but I will know in due time if I prefer this upgraded version to the old. So far, the new version does some things better, but the "breath of life" is still not quite there. The preamp has roughly 70 hours on it at this time. Thirty more to go.
Got the CCAs today opened up 2.1 and i must say the layout is superior. Removed the ecc88s that Joseph included cleaned and used the smallest amount of walkers sst on the pins. Joseph had small rubber dampers on the 88s so i put them on the CCAs and installed them in 2.1.
Right off the bat the difference is quite audible. I was told that 80 plus hours will be needed for the nos CCAs to get well broke in.
The only thing i have noticed is a ping from the left side when you tap 2.1 that wasnt there with the 88s.
Now i think i understand what all the excitement is about with siemens CCA tubes being used with Audio Horizon gear.
Sherod hang in there your going to be alright with your upgrade give it some time to work into your system and enjoy the music.
I have had my 2.1 upgraded from 2.0 for two weeks now and I do find it does many things better then the original version. I have outlined these things in my posts.

The unit is to my ears quite different sounding from the 2.0. I do miss some of the warmth of the 2.0. My unit must have 80 hours or so on it now. It would be very nice to have both versions at once to A/B. My speakers tend to be on the warm side as well as my front end. The AH cable is on the warm side also. If my dac/transport , wire and speakers were more on the "bright" side of things I could see where my system may be tilted to the bright or in-your-face side of things.

With the balance of my current system the upgraded 2.1 works well. I know the unit is still changing as I am playing a couple of disc's over and over as the unit breaks in.

I will post more on the chages after 100 hours like Sherod.
