Audio Horizons TP 2.0 Preamplifier

Anyone famaliar with the manufacturer,and in particular
this pre amp.The credentials and testimonials seem
impressive.The advertised 10 day audition is appealing.
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I'm having Joseph mod the livin crap outta my TP 2.0, maybe then it'll compare,
but I probably won't give a rats butt anyway.
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Sure been quiet on the thread. I purchased some VAC Musicbloc amps recently and have been listening to them for a couple of weeks. I have learned something just recently that I want to pass on. I had these amps plugged into by BPT 2.5 Ultra as I have done with all of my amps in the past. I have always found the BPT helped the sound and never took away. Well, I assumed the same for these tube monoblocks, but I was wrong. Very wrong.

I liked the sound just fine, but I was finding the bass a little thick and slow. So after a week or so I decided to plug the amps right into my 20 amp outlets and much to my surprise the music flowed so much better. It was as if the amps were held back before. Goodness what a huge improvement from top to bottom.

Those of you with tube amps and any kind of power conditioner/balanced transformer may want to try the same thing. Plug your tube amps right into the wall and check out the difference. You may find a different result, but for me it was a HUGE improvement.

These VACs are very fine amps indeed. Sherod has the same amps I think and I now have even more respect for VAC. I may add that Kevin at VAC is a great guy and very helpful.

Well, while I had these amps one of my long time dream amps came up on the Gon and I had to have them. I will report on them once they come. They cost 2X as much as the VACs and I hope they are everything I anticipate.

I have been enjoying the pairing of tube amps with my TP 2.1. The VACs are more musical then my previous SS Belles Ref 350 amp. I loved the Belles amp, but it seems I was ready for a change.

My VAC amps are going to a new home soon and I am waiting on my new 70 pound monoblock 300b amps!! It will be interesting to see how well they mate with the AH preamp and my Dali speakers.

Ok, tube amp owners, have you found conditioners degrade the sound of your tube amps? This is the first time I have run into it with my BPT?
