Are you still playing CDs after, comp based syst?

I own 2 DACs
Hegel hd11
P S audio PWD,
Macbook pro
Sometimes I have the urge to spin a CD, no idea if this mostly psichological?
I dont currently own any cdp, wondering if I could get a value/performance one, I also play vinyls a lot, but I do have many cds.

Rest of my system.
Luxman 550 AII
Harberth comp 7 ES3

My budget for a cdp around 1000 new or used?

Pettyofficer, you are a fool...
You need some therapy. You are also publishing complete nonsense and spreading information as though it is fact, which it clearly isn't. You are wrong wrong.
I have worked on IT systems at big companies for years, and by logical implementation of disc arrays, it becomes virtually impossible to EVER loose a file. An external drive (now very cheap for 4TB and upwards) can be set to auto mirror every day, and I recommend music lovers to keep a copy off-site as well.

Lets face it, if you get robbed, those solid CDs will be GONE!. And I have scratched CDs making them skip, and have others grow old (yellowing and loose the silver backing) . The plastic CDs are made of and the printing on the back all age and fail at some point.

A working disc array (or RAID) is cheap compared to many DACs or CDPs and will keep all those valuable music rips safe.

Stop scare mongering none computer literate people and pretending you know about computers. I swopped to Macs years ago and have NEVER had one single virus. And my back-up system at home has NEVER lost one file.

Also, how many out there have bought a 2k CDP only a few years later it starts skipping then the laser dies altogether? Computer hard drive are cheap cheap cheap. Soon SSD will be as well, and then NO MOVING PARTS to wear out.

Now, where did I put that Stone Roses CD?

I got a Logitech Squeezebox Touch and am running it stock through the analog outs of my preamp. Sounds very good but not quite as good as my Denon DVD-2930ci which has a little better inner detail & dynamics. Thought I would use them both equally but the Squeezebox's convenience makes me use it 85% of the time. Would not want to get rid of the CD player as it does SACD & DVD-Audio and Squeezebox needs the computer on to play my ripped CD's (WAV & FLAC).
Reclock the SB Touch, use a good 1.5m long coax cable and power supply and it may actually pass-up your transport. This is just jitter.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio
Thanks Steve. How would I reclock the SBT? Would I need to get a Synchro-Mesh? Does it come with all cables necessary for hookup? Will it give good results without an external DAC in use?
Tune - Synchro-Mesh requires a DAC, SS proc. or SS receiver to work. It is strictly digital in to digital out. It comes with no cables. The input cable can be anything, unimportant. The output S/PDIF coax cable should be a very good one and 1.5m long. I have heard good things about the "Green Hornet" from Music Direct.

The Metrum Octave is a good choice if you are on a budget for a DAC. Big step-up from the DAC inside the SBT.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio